Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Damn Near Killed 'Em

It's been a while since my last posting, and for those of you who live for my posts, I apologize. I apologize mostly because your life needs more meaning then the mindless rants of lay off e-mailing me about it! I post as I find motivation, and today I found the best motivation of all time. Let me repeat that...All Time.

I got an e-mail telling about a weightlifter lifting so much he had a prolapsed rectum. Obviously a fake story, but the picture included (shown below) is memorable.

The puns coming from this story ad picture are numerous. To sum the story up in under 10 words: Dude lifted too much, and his rectum came out. I only play a doctor occasionally at the bar, so my medical training is low, but when the rectum leaves the body, it's not good. In fact, you are in deep shit. Or more accurately, your third spotter is in deep shit. The funny part is the third spotter kind of seems like the lazy spotter. You want the first two to grab the weights from the side, and the third guy is there to make sure he doesn't fall backwards. The guy is watching, not expecting anything, and then...

Guy lays his ass out, and third spotter gets sprayed with ass parts and fecal matter! You would have to pay me a lot to withstand that job. First, you get to view a big guy literally squatting in front of you wearing very tight clothes, then there is the chance that he will shoot his ass and fecal matter all over you. No thank you.

His out of his body. Even if the picture is staged...his ass is inside out...

Oh, and then the doctors put him on a low-fiber diet to reduce flatulence.

Update: a link to the story online. Again, obviously fake, but a funny story nonetheless.

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