I, like most American men had an urge to try to find the naked picture of Vanessa Hudgens on the Internet. Thankfully, I was unable to find it. I say thankfully, not because I don't think she looks good, but because it turns out that she was 15 when the picture was taken, thus making the picture child pornography. I have never been so thankful I was lazy.
This situation brings to mind some interesting questions. First, let's say you downloaded it, forgot about it (especially easy if you have a short attention span like I do), left it on some deep, dark corner of your computer, only to have it found three years from now during a trip to the Geek Squad. They see child pornography on your computer, call the cops, and you have to go to the R. Kelly defense of "I thought she was 18!" Sadly, she was 18 when the photo was widely released, but 15 when it was taken. So unlike waiting for a year to date that hot 17 year old, you can not just wait a year to look at the photo.
Now maybe, since there was more than likely a wide-downloading of this photo, the authorities will take it easy on the offenders, especially given the celebrity nature of the subject. Should they? I mean, if that's the case, please release the Britney pictures from when she was 17!
Also, is there a dirtier feeling than thinking a woman is hot, only to find out she's really a girl? I remember a time way back when I went to get my little brother (Angry Jew-2) from high school because his ride wouldn't start. I went in and was conversing with some old teachers from my time there. I saw this girl walk by and was admiring, when one of the teachers told me she was 13 and a freshman! I was shocked - I would have guessed she was a senior or maybe a really young teacher. I felt so dirty that when I got home I rinsed my eyes out with alcohol, letting the burning feeling be my punishment.
I also felt dirty when I learned Taylor Swift was 17. Next year will be nice.
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