Thursday, September 13, 2007


Allow me to channel Jerry Seinfeld for a moment: "What's the deal with all these people working so much?"

I don't get people who work 60-80 hours per week. I understand that "The job needs to get done," and "People are counting on me," but really, is it worth it? There are very few jobs in this world where stopping at 5:00 until the next morning at 8:00 will result in people's death. I think a well-paced 8-9 hours should be sufficient for anyone to competently get through their day.

Some people like to say that their job is too important to let it wait for them to come in the next morning. What about their families? Aren't they important too? How about that person themselves - isn't their health and happiness worth something as well? Take a look around - if you could get a bad case of diarrhea and it would be OK to spend 30 minutes in the bathroom, you can leave and let work wait while you remember why you work.

This post obviously doesn't apply to the young, single uppity people who need to buy $300 sunglasses and $1,200 purses. They need to work more to afford those things that they can't show off because they are too busy working. It's a vicious cycle.

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